Transition Networks SISGM1040-244 user manual Group Table, Access Table, MIBview Table

Models: SISGM1040-244

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Transition Networks


Group Table

Configure SNMP v3 group table.

￿Security Name (User ID): Assign the user name that you have set up in user table.

￿Group Name: Set up the group name.



Add to add context name.

Remove to remove unwanted context name.

Access Table

Configure SNMP v3 access table.

￿Context Prefix: Set up the context name.

￿Group Name: Set up the group.

￿Security Level: Set up the access level.

￿Context Match Rule: Select the context match rule.

￿Read View Name: Set up the read view.

￿Write View Name: Set up the write view.

￿Notify View Name: Set up the notify view.



Add to add context name.

Remove to remove unwanted context name.

MIBview Table

Configure MIB view table.

￿ViewName: Set up the name.

￿Sub-Oid Tree: Fill the Sub OID.

￿Type: Select the type – exclude or included.

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Transition Networks SISGM1040-244 user manual Group Table, Access Table, MIBview Table