seconds. Some devices implement a size limit for file transfers; transferring
reasonably sized files will help avoid reaching a device's limit.
Additional Bluetooth Information can be found at:
BlueFlyers Base Unit
Base Unit Front Panel (BlueAgent version shown)
The BlueFlyers unit consists of a compact base unit, and a Bluetooth transmitter.
Depending on the chosen Bluetooth transmitter, an external antenna may be
required. An optional FM transmitter can be connected to the base unit via the
audio output port on the front panel.
The BlueFlyers unit is highly portable. The base unit measures 4.5" x 4.5" x 1.4"
and weighs 1.1 lbs. The AIRcable Bluetooth transmitter’s enclosure measures
3.5” x 3” x 1”, and the TRENDnet unit is even smaller at 2.8” x 1.4” x 0.44”.
BlueFlyers runs silently; it is fanless and uses a solid state hard drive.
There are two power buttons on the BlueFlyers base unit, a physical rocker
switch located on the rear panel and a soft switch on the front panel. The
physical switch on the rear panel must be in the ‘ON’ position for the unit to