The time of day cannot be altered whilst the AUTO symbol is lit.
A programme may be cancelled by returning the cooking hours to zero. Press the cooking hours button ( ) press ( - ) button until 0.00 is displayed as Fig. 14.
Release all buttons. The AUTO display will now flash and acts as a reminder to reset the cooker to manual.
In the event of an interruption of the electricity supply, the timer will reset itself to zero, and all programming will be cancelled.
It is advisable to leave food in the oven for as short a time as possible before automatic cooking. Always ensure commercially prepared food is well within its use by date and that home prepared food is fresh and of good quality.
When cooking is complete, do not leave food to stand in the oven, but remove and cool it quickly if the food is not be consumed immediately.
Always ensure food in the oven has been covered before cooking if it is not possible to remove food immediately after cooking.