Section5: Maintenance

WARNING Before inspecting,cleaning or servicing the unit, shut off engine, wait for all parts to come to a completestop, disconnectspark plug wire and movewire away from spark plug. Failure to follow these instructions can result in serious personal injury or propertydamage.




Proper lubrication of the tiller is an essential part of maintenance. After every 10 operating hours, oil or grease the lubrication points shown in Figures 5-1 and 5-1A and described below.

Usea good quality lubricating oil (#30 weight engineoil is suitable) anda quality generalpurpose grease (with a metal lubricant, if available).

,,Removewheels, clean wheel shaft (A, Fig. 5-1) and apply thin coating of grease to the shaft.

,,Greaseback, front andsides of depth regulator lever (B, Fig. 5-1).

,,Removetines, clean tine shafts (C,Fig. 5-1). Inspectfor rust, rough spots or burrs (look around holes). Fileor sand smooth, coat ends of shaft with grease.

,,Oil the threads on the handlebarheight adjustment screws and the handlebar attaching screws (D, Fig. 5-1).

ShiftingMechanism. Lightlyoil pivot pointsfor smooth operation(E,Fig.5-1A).

Before each use,check your tiller for

signs of an oil leak- usually a dirty, oily accumulation either on the unit or on the

floor where it has been parked.

A little seepagearound a cover or oil seal is usually not a causefor alarm. However, if the oil drips overnight then immediate attention is neededas ignoring a leak can result in severetransmission damage.

If a cover is leaking,try tightening any loose screws. If the screws are tight, a

new gasket or oil seal may berequired. If the leak is from around a shaft and oil

seal,the oil seal probably needsto be replaced. Seeyour authorizeddealer or contact the factory for service or advice.

IMPORTANT:Neveroperate the tiller if the transmission is low on oil. Checkthe

oil level after every 30 hours of operation andwhenever there is any oil leakage.


Checkfor loose or missing hardware after every 10 operating hours. Tighten or replace hardware before using the tiller. Besure to check the screws underneath the tiller hood (lift the hoodflap) that securethe transmission cover andthe depth regulator leverto the transmission.

Checkthe transmission gear oil level after every30 hours of operation or whenever you notice any oil leak. Operating the tiller when the transmission is low on oil can result in severe damage.

A.To Checkthe Transmission Gear Oil Level:

1. Checkthe gearoil levelwhen the trans-

mission is cool. Gearoil will expand in

warm operating temperatures andthis

expansionwill provide an incorrect oil

level reading.

2. With the tiller on levelground, adjust

the DepthRegulator Lever up or down to

the notch that makesthe tiller level..

3. Removethe oil fill plug (A, Fig. 5-2)

from the transmission housing and look

into the oil fill hole. You will seethe main

drive shaft on oneside of the hole.

4. The gear oil level is correct if the gear

oil is approximately half way up the side

of the drive shaft.

5. If the gear oil level is low, add gear oil

as described next. If the gear oil level is

okay, securely replacethe oil fill plug.

IMPORTANT:Do not operatethe tiller if

the gear oil level is low. Doing so will

result in severedamageto the transmis-

sion components.

6. If adding only a few ounces of gear

oil, useAPI rated GL-4or GL-5 transmis-





machines equipped with pneumatic tires)

Checkthe air pressure in both tires. Deflateor inflate both tires evenly from 15-to-20 PSI (pounds persquare inch). Besure that both tires havethe sameair pressure or the unit will tend to pull to oneside.

NOTE:Your tiller may not beequipped with pneumatic tires, eliminating the need for air pressure checks.

sion gear oil having a viscosity of SAE

140, SAE85W-140 or SAE80W-90. If

refilling anempty transmission, use only

GL-4transmission gear oil having a

viscosity of SAE85W-140 or SAE140.

NOTE:Do not use automatic transmission fluid or engine oil in the transmission.

7.While checking frequently to avoid

overfilling, slowly add gear oil into the oil fill hole until it reachesthe halfway point on the drive shaft.

8.Securely replacethe oil fill plug.


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Troy-Bilt 644HMBRONCO, 645AMBRONCO manual CHECKTIREPRESSUREon, Checkhardware, Machines equipped with pneumatic tires