Ultra Electronics Card Systems

Quick Start Guide

In Case of Difficulty M

Check the Installation:

Repeat the installation steps in this guide.

Check that the laminator mains voltage is correct.

Check that the laminating film is the right way round and passes through the optical sensor.

Check that the unit has warmed up (3 minutes).

Check that the rollers are clean.

Check the status of the Error LEDs (section K).

For further assistance:

There are a number of useful Technical Bulletins on the MAGICARD WEB page at http://www.ultramagicard.com. If you do not have WEB access, copies can be requested from Customer Service.

Call your local Dealer, giving the Model Number and Serial Number, a description of the nature of the problem, and the flashing error codes if pressent.

Call the Ultra Magicard Customer Service Hotline number - +44(0)1305 762115 or +44(0)11305 762121.

Email us at: customer_service@ultramagicard.com.

MAGICARD Sicura Laminator

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Ultra electronic Sicura Laminator quick start Case of Difficulty M