9.NB/ANL SWITCH - You can select either Noise Blanker and Automatic Noise Limiter, only Automatic Noise limiter or all filters OFF. The NB and ANL help to reduce harsh background noise caused by a variety of interference sources. The ANL will not work in the USB orLSB mode.
10.PA SWITCH- Move this switch to the Public Address mode when an external PA speaker is connected. When tb~ ~A mode is s~lected, you can use tt)e PA function
and yetcan monitor CB incoming signals. Adjust the PA outPLlt level by rotating
the volume control. | ,'.,' |
| , .. |
J1.~ AM/SSB SELECTOR - The ,thr,i!e position' switch allows you to select AM
:", _r (standard40 channel CB) or USB (Upper Side Band) or LSB (Lower Side Band)
:"; r .. 12. CLARIFIER/-
@ @
13.ANTENNA CONNECTOR - This female connector permits connection of the "transmissionline cable male connector
14.PUBLIC ADDRESS - An external 8 ohm
15.EXTERNAL SPEAKER - The external speaker jack is used for remote receiver
| monitoring. The external speaker should have an 8 ohm impedance and be rated | ||
p,' | at least | 4 watts. When an external speaker is connected, | the internal speaker is |
' | disabled. | " |
| - This plug permits connection of the DC power |
| |
| 16~ POWER | to the transceiver. The- |
supplied DC Cord's plug is polarized which ensures that power will always be connected and fused properly.
1.Be sure that the power source, antenna and microphone are properly connected.
2.Turn the unit on by rotating the Volume control clockwise.
3.Set the channel selector switch to the desired channel.
4.Set the Volume control to a comfortable listening level.
5.Listen to the background noise from the speaker. Turn the Squelchcontrol clock- wise until the noise disappears (no signal should be present). Leave the control at - - -