LCD | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
7 |
| 9 |
8 |
10 | 11 12 13 | 14 | 15 |
11 to 10 - Scan mode: indicates Channel memory Bank AM/FM mode: indicates a radio station
2L/O - Indicates a Locked Out channel or to skip a frequency while searching
3SRCH - Indicates Limit Search mode, Service Search mode, and Direct Entry mode
4DELAY - Indicates a 2 second set delay for a channel before scanning resumes
5PGM - Indicates Program mode
6Battery - Flashes when the battery power is low.
7ALARM - Indicates the alarm is enabled. Flashes when alarm sounds or if Snooze is selected
8PRI - Indicates the designated Priority channel
9HOLD - Indicates a hold in Scan, Search, AIR, and Direct Entry mode
10POLICE - Indicates a Police service search
11MARINE - Indicates searching commercial and private watercraft communications
12AM/PM - Indicates AM/PM and appears in Clock mode
13RAIL ROAD - Indicates searching Rail Road communications
The backlight turns off automatically after 5 seconds from the last key stroke (if not permanently turned on).
The scanner sounds special tones as follows:
• to confirm key entry.
• to indicate an error in key entry,
• to indicate low battery voltage.
UBC40CRS OM.indd | 7/5/08 4:8:0 PM |