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• Determine the type of cable that is needed for each connection. Keep in
mind that the quality of the cabling that is used may make a difference in the
overall audio and video quality. Try to keep interconnecting cable runs as
short as possible. When routing cables between equipment, be sure to keep
AC cables separate from audio cables. It is a good idea to bundle like cables
together to keep interference (noise) to a minimum.
• It is a good idea to label each cable with a name or number at both ends,
when allocating each cable. Have all the cables you need before you begin
the installation because it is inconvenient to run to the store when you are
excited to hear what the system will sound like.
• Plan enough cable length and space to allow future access to the back panel.
• For best performance it is recommended that a dedicated AC power line or
supply be used. If the equipment is installed in a rack, be sure to insulate the
equipment from the rack itself.