

A. Quick Set-Up:
Step 1: Turn on the device (TV, VCR,CABLE BOX, SATELLITE RECEIVER,etc .) you wish to operate.
Step 2: On the remote control, press the corresponding DEVICE button
(TV, VCR, CATV, SAT, etc.) and MUTE button simultaneously.
Note:SET will appear in the LCD.
Step 3: Point the remote control toward the device. Punch in the first three digit code number assigned to your brand from the brand code lists located on pp.(1530).The device will turn off when the correct code has been selected.
Step 4: Once the device turns off, press the corresponding DEVICE button again to store the code.
Note: LCD will flashPASS indicating that the code has been stored.
Step 5: Test the remote control functions with the code that was just stored. If any of the buttons do not perform as they should, please repeat from Step 2 using the next three digit code number for your brand of equipment.