106 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
test1.mpg; if test1.mpg, test2.mpg and test3.mpg exist, and the Recorder File Name is still set
at test.mpg, the new recording will start at test4.mpg. If the Recorder File Name is set at to
particular index number, such as test2.mpg, the first file to be recorded will be test2.mpg and
the batch recording will increment from that number.
Batch Wrap Point and Record DurationA Batch Wrap Point sets the number of files to be recorded. When the specified number of
files has been created, the previously recorded batch files will be deleted and recorded over,
starting from the earliest file. For example, if a Batch Wrap Point is set to 10, and test.mpg is
the Recorder File Name, the files will be recorded from test1.mpg, test2.mpg, up to
Batch File Recording can be set to a specific number of seconds or Continuous. If Batch is
enabled and set to Continuous, when the maximum number of batch files is reached,
recording will record over the files previously recorded, starting from the first file. As one file
is being recorded, the next index file is deleted to get ready to receive data (from 1 to 999).
For example, if the wrap point is set to 10 and a batch file name is specified as test5.mpg, the
files will be recorded (or recorded over) starting at test5.mpg and increment until test10.mpg
is reached. When the number of files reaches the Batch Wrap Point of 10, the files will be
recorded over starting with test1.mpg.
Configuration: Recorder > GeneralNote The maximum batch file size is 4 GB. If an attempt is made to record files using the
maximum file size (4 GB) in the maximum number of batch files (999), the files can
exceed the hard disk drive storage capacity. If the files are large, it might be best to set
a Batch Wrap Point.
Note If VBStar encounters an interruption in file transfer during batch recording, the file
being recorded and the next file will both be affected. The file in the process of being
replaced will be partially recorded. The next sequential file that was deleted to get
ready for receiving data will be missing.