52 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Figure 3. Script Management – Part 2
Run Scripts Using the IR Remote ControlIR Remote Control scripts are enabled by simply placing a file named irNScript.txt (where
N is a number from 0–9) in the script directory of the unit. For example naming the following
script ir0Script.txt will enable the 0 on the IR remote to trigger the unit to run the script.
Run Scripts Using Event TriggersThe event triggering feature lets you use an external switch or power source to control the
functions of the VBrick appliance. See "Event Triggering" in the VBrick Appliance Getting
Started Guide for detailed examples.
Click here to read
or write script files
Login to the VBrick via FTP and manage script files. Requires a valid
user name and password.
Event Enable Allows the user to Enable/Disable Event Triggering for each input
Event Stable Time Allows the user to enter the amount of time in milliseconds that each
input event has to be stable at the active level before th e script will be
Event Count Displays the number of times each input event has occurred.
Event ScriptStatus Displays current status information for each event script.
Run Script These buttons allow the user to run each script without needing the
input event. Use this method to test the script.
IR RemoteScripts are enabled by simply placing a file named irNScript.txt (where N is a
number from 0–9) in the script directory of the unit. For example
naming the following script ir0Script.txt will enable the 0 on the IR
remote to trigger the unit to run the script.