12 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Routing Method This selects which routing method will be used: Changes made to the
Routing Method will require a reset of the box.
Static – Allows routes entered in the static routing table to be
automatically applied to the internal routing tables, after a power-
RIP Version 1 – Configures the VBrick to listen to RIP
announcements. Routes are dynamically added per RIP
RIP Version 2 Broadcast – Configures the VBrick to listen to RIP
version 2 announcements. In this mode, RIP will perform classless
routing based upon subnet mask.
RIP Version 2 Multicast – Configures the VBrick to listen to RIP
version 2 announcements that are sent in multicast mode. Both
broadcast and multicast announcements are processed.
Static Routing
This table provides for user defined routing entries.
Destination Network – Enter the destination address to be
manually routed.
Local Gateway IP – Enter the Gateway to be used, when the
forwarding destination address is as specified.
Network Mask – Sets the network mask to be associated with the
destination address.
Error – This read-only field is used to report field entry error
related to the route.