MPEG-2Configu ration
VBrick MPEG-2 Appliance Admin Guide 25
Configuration: Encoder > VideoThese parameters are used to configure the Encoder video settings. The encoder video and
audio configurations change if the appliance has an SDI, Serial Digital Interface. Please refer
to SDI Configuration on page 57 for more information.
Transport Content If the model number ends in -xxx1/-xxx2, the user can choose the
transport content to be Video + Audio, Video only or Audio only. If
the model number ends in -xxx0, the option is not displayed and video
and audio always comprises the transport content.
Delay Mode If the model number ends in -xxx1/-xxx2, the delay mode can be set
to Low, Medium or High Delay. If the model number ends in –xxx0,
the delay mode can be set to Low or High Delay. In low and medium
delay modes, the Reference Distance is forced to 1 (no B frames). Low
delay reduces latency but may also reduce video stability, depending
on video content. If minimum latency is not an issue in the
application, high delay will maximize video stability. Default Delay
Mode is set to High Delay.
Audio PID MPEG-2 transmits its data in packets of 188 bytes each. At the start of
each packet is a packet identifier (or PID) that identifies the data
stream associated with that packet. It is possible that a non-VBrick
decoder may only accept audio streams with a certain PID setting. If
so, then this feature allows compatibility with these decoders.
Video PID MPEG-2 transmits its data in packets of 188 bytes each. At the start of
each packet is a packet identifier (or PID) that identifies the data
stream associated with that packet. It is possible that a non-VBrick
decoder may only accept video streams with a certain PID setting. If
so, then this feature allows compatibility with these decoders.
PCR PID MPEG-2 transmits its data in packets of 188 bytes each. At the start of
each packet is a packet identifier (or PID) that identifies the data
stream associated with that packet. It is possible that a non-VBrick
decoder may only accept PCR (Program Clock Reference) streams
with a certain PID setting. If so, then this feature allows compatibility
with these decoders. Note that certain decoders may require the PCRs
to be embedded in the video stream. If so, these decoders are not
compatible with the VBrick encoder.
Destination 2
Stream Type
The user can configure the appliance to transmit an Elementary
stream as a secondary stream. A video ES, or video elementary stream,
consists of all the video data for a sequence, including the sequence
header and all the subparts of a sequence. A Transport stream
contains both video and audio.