20 © 2009 VBrick Systems, Inc.
Configuration: Decoder > NetworkThese parameters are decoder level IP parameters that instruct the decoder which IP stream
to decode on TV monitors.
Source-Specific Multicast
Source-specific multicast is enabled by IGMPv3 and provides a way to share a limited
number of multicast addresses. You must have an IGMP v3 netw ork. Source-specific multicast is
designed for multicasting across networks and has no benefit when sharing multicast
addresses on the same subnet (unless your router supports IGMPv3 snooping). Multicast
addresses in the 232/8 ( to range are reserved for source-specific
Source-specific multicast lets your decoder associate a multicast address with a specific
source encoder IP address. (Note that the source multicast encoders must be on a different
network than the decoders.) Source-specific multicast is supported on MPEG-2 and
MPEG-4 encoders. There are no encoder settings for source-specific multicast; there are
decoder settings (see below Receive Address Mode and Source IP Address) for MPEG-2
decoders only.
Output Level Hardware-dependent; not shown on all models. Changes the range of
values for Left and Right Gain.
Normal – 14 dB to -48 dB (+14 to -48 on some decoder models).
Alternate – 8 dB to -54 dB (+14 to -48 on some decoder models).
Left Gain Used to adjust volume. Default = 0.
Right Gain Used to adjust volume. Default = 0.
Configure PID MPEG-2 transmits its data in packets of 188 bytes each. At the start of
each packet is a packet identifier (or PID) identifies the data stream
associated with that packet. Because the MPEG-2 data stream might
contain multiple audio programs, the decoder has to choose a
particular audio channel to play. The PID selection provides that
feature. If the user chooses the automatic PID option, the first audio
PID detected will be used to select the audio channel.
Actual PID Actual PID being played. This read-only parameter is of interest when
the user selects automatic. A value of 8191 indicates the PID has not
yet been established.