Front Panel, Output Section

Aux Recording Balance


This control adjusts the level balance of the aux in, L and R signals routed to the L and R mixing busses.

At the center position, the bal- ance control routes the signal

equally to the L and R mixing busses.

Reverberation High Equalizer —



The high EQ control alters the

high frequency response? of t h e reverberation signal. The "0" de- tented position provides flat audio response.

Recordig Level Control


-Reverberation Low Equalizer Control


The low EQ control alters the low frequency response of the reverberation signal . The "0" de- tented position provides flat audio response.

-Playback to Program Control


Foldback Master Control (FB)

The FB master control adjusts

the overall combined signal level of the six independent channel foldback sends, and

thus the level of the entire on- stage monitor mix.

Program Master Control (PGM)

The PGM control adjusts the

overall combined signal level of

Auxiliary Input Recording

Level Control


This control sets the level of stereo L and R signal (from an

external source connected to the

AUX INPUT) assigned to the re- cording busses, via the AUX REC BAL control.

Auxiliary Input to Foldback Control ((AUX TO FB)

This control sets the level of aux input signal assigned to the fold- back mixing bus, and thus the level of the external aux source in the on-stage monitor mix.

NOTE: If the aux source is a stereo L and R signal (for example, a stereo casset- te player) the L and R will be combined into one mono signal before assignment to either the FB or PGM mixing bus- ses.

Auxiliary Input to Program



This control sets the level of aux input signal assigned to the program mixing bus, and thus the level of the external aux source in the main mix.

This control sets the level of reverb (or external e f f e c t s ) in

the recording mix, via the effects return pan pot.

Effect Recording Pan Control


This control assigns the reverb

or external effects signal to the recording L and R mixing bus-

ses. In the center "detended"

position, the signal is assigned equally to L and R; panning the

control gradually assigns the

effect to either bus exclusively.

This control a d j u s t s the level of playback signal routed to t h e program mixing buss, and t h u s the level of the internal tape? source in the main mix .

Playback to Foldback Control (TAPE TO FB)

This control adjusts the level of

playback signal to the foldback mixing buss, and thus the level of the internal tape in t h e on- stage monitor mix.

the six independent channel

level controls, and thus the level of the main sound system.

Graphic Equalizer


The graphic equalizer is 1/1

octave with 9 independent active bands (filters), providing 12dB

of boost or cut at each center fre- quency. The "0" detented posi- tion provides flat audio re- sponse.

Graphic Equalizer In/Out Switch (IN/OUT)

The in/out switch enables com- parison between a flat response

(o u t ) and the equalized response (in) . The "out" position com- pletely removes the equalizer from the MCX-106 circuitry.

Phones Level Control


The phones level control adjusts both the recording L

and R signals fed to the phones

o u t p u t and permits recording and playback monitoring .

Headphone Jack

The headphone jack will accept any stereo headphone with 8 ohms impedance, or higher.

Tape Deck Remote Control

Effect to Foldback Control (EFF TO FB)

This control determines the level of reverb/effects return signal assigned to the foldback

Buss Link Jack (BUSS LINK)

Patching Jack (PATCH BAY/OUT) Patching Jack (PATCH BAY/IN)


This jack remotely operates the tape PAUSE function during recording or playback by means

of a foot switch.

mixing buss, and thus the amount of effects in the on-stage monitor mix.

Reverb/Effects to Program- Control (EFF TO PGM)

This control adjusts the amount of reverb/effects signal t h a t is returned to the program buss and thus the level of reverb/ effects contained in the main sound system.

Reverb/Effects Send Control (REV/EFF SEND)

This control adjusts the overall

signal level of the effects mix

t h a t is delivered




reverberation u n i t ,


to an

external effects



the effects o u t p u t . The send con- trol works in conjunction w i t h

the REV/EFF to PGM and the REV/EFF to FB controls to set the overall level of reverb/ effects in the main and monitor

sound systems.

-Aux Input L and R

(AUX IN, L, R)

The aux L and R 1/4" phone jacks are unbalanced and a c c e p t low and high impedance sources at nominal —20 dB level. The jacks are wired w i t h the cor- responding L and R pin jacks in parallel. When a plug is inserted in the phone jack, the pin jack is automatically switched out of

the aux input circuitry . The aux

input is intended primarily for

external music sources such as





receivers, or record players.



w i t h



the use of a p r e -

amp w i t h RIAA equali - zation .

Recording Output Pin Jack- (REC OUT)

The REC out pin jack derives its

signal from t h e recording L and R mixing busses, and is intended

for connection to external r e -


equipment .

N o m i n a l

o u t p u t

level is —10

dB w i t h an

impedance o f 1k ohms.

Playback Output Pin Jack (TAPE OUT)

The playback o u t pin jack obtains its signal from the

internal tape deck. Nominal

o u t p u t level is 0dB dB w i t h an impedance o f 1k ohms.

Power Amp Compression-

Indicator (COMP)

The comp LED lights when the internal compressor is a c t i v a t -

ed. The compressor is provided to protect speaker systems by


t h e i n p u t signal

level of the

power a m p l i f i e r

when clipping occurs in the o u t - put stage. Frequent flashing of t h e LED is not reason for alarm.

However . a c o n s t a n t

or steady

light indicates

t h a t

the MCX-106

is b e i n g



t h a t

t h e



a m p l i f i e r is


sibly "under powered"


t h a t

application . The


l e v e l of

the; MCX-106 should be; decreas- ed u n t i l the LED only flashes i n t e r m i t t e n t l y .

Power Amp Protection

Indicator (PROTECT)

The indicator LED lights if the

power amplifier o u t p u t is short-

ed, if the temperature of the unit rises above acceptable levels, or if DG is drifted to the speaker outputs . If the LED should light, speaker wiring and ambient

temperature of the MCX-106

should be checked. If the LED remains lighted, the unit should

be referred to qualified service personnel for repair.


The MCX-106 protection cir- c u i t r y will (1) detect 'faulty con-

ditions' w i t h i n the power amp- lifier, (2) give a visual indication, and (3) a u t o m a t i c a l l y shut down

u n t i l the; fault condition is

alleviated . This special circuitry

e n s u r e s maximum reliability and virtually eliminates equip- ment damage due to unsafe or



Please refer

t o

f a u l t







f u l l explanation



i m p o r t a n t feature .

4 —

Page 5
Image 5
Viking MCX-106 instruction manual Front Panel, Output Section