Important Safety Instructions
• Yourunit shouldbe properlyinstalledand connectedto the gas
forwhich it wasdesigned.Do not use charcoal,wood chips,or
othermaterialin your grill.The smokertray is the onlyarea
designedtohold wood chipsor other smokeflavor enhancers.
• Havethe technicianshow youthe locationof the gas shut-off
valveso you canshut off the gassupply in an emergency.If you
smellgas, theconnectionsare not properlysealedor you may
havea hole in thegas supply pipeor hose. Determiningwhere
thegas leak isshould be leftto a qualifiedtechnician.Warranty
servicemustbe performedby an authorizedservice agency.
• Childrenshould not be left alone or unattendedin an area
wherethe gas grill is being used. Neverallow children to sit,
standor play on or around the grill at any time.Do not store
itemsof interest to children aroundthe grill. Never allow
childrento crawl inside the cart or masonryenclosure.
• Usea coveredhand when openingthehood and do soslowly to
allowheatand steam toescape. Toavoidburns whencooking,
uselong handledBBQ tools.Neverlean overan open grill.
• Usesturdy,properlyinsulated glovesor potholders.Dishtowels
orother substitutescanbecome entangled,causingburns. Use
drypotholders;wet potholderscreatesteam and causeburns.
Keeppotholdersaway fromopen flameswhen liftingor moving
utensils.Donot touch portionsof the grillrack or burnergrate
withpotholdersuntil thehot surfaceshave cooled.
• Onlycertain types of glass, heat-proofglass ceramic,
earthenware,or other glazed utensilsare suitable for grill use.
Thesetypes of materials may break withsudden temperature
changes.Use only on low or medium heat settings.
Select the correct pan size for the burner.Be sure the pan
is large enough to avoid boilovers or spillovers. This will
save cleaning, and prevent accumulations of food, heavy
splattering, or spillovers that can catch fire.
Getting Started
Table of Contents


Important Safety Instructions ______________________7
Before Lighting Grill_______________________________11
Using Grill withOutdoor ApprovedHoods _________11


Lighting Grill ______________________________________12
Using Grill _________________________________________16
Cooking Tips ______________________________________17
Grilling Tips _______________________________________20
Smoker Box _______________________________________21

Product Care

Cleaning and Maintenance ________________________24
Battery Replacement ____________________________29
Service Information ________________________________32
Warranty __________________________________________33
Toreduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury, read and
follow these basic precautionsbefore operating your gas grill
or side burners.