1. Get Photo – Choose how to view or acquire photos.
2. Enhance – Crop, brighten, rotate, resize and modify photos.
3. Create – Add clip art, special effects, frames and more.
4. Project – Make calendars, photo books and greeting cards.
5. Print – Print multiple images per page and multiple pages at one time.
6. Send – Email photos or upload them to online photo sharing acco unts.
Note: For more detailed information, please refer to the Help of the program.
17. ArcSoft Video Impression 2
ArcSoft VideoImpression 2 creates home
movies and slide shows by combining
existing videos, still images, exc iting scene
transitions, and multiple audio tracks .
Though simple to use, the program
provides intense and broad video ed iting
and export options perfect for owners of
digital still cameras, desktop and digi tal
video cameras, and camcorders.
Click “Start” “Program” “ArcSoft Software Suite“ “VideoImpression 2”
to launch VideoImpression 2 or double cli ck VideoImpression 2 icon on the
desktop and you will see a window as the screensho t above.
Open a Project – Let you browse the project files in the Video Impression
system folder. By “project,” we mean to say a file that contains all of the
settings and each individual compo nent on the Storyboard. When you