save your work as a project, you can go back and swap co mponents, add
and remove them, alter audio, etc.
Create a Video – Create a new video project. You can retrieve media
materials from the device connected or ch oose media files from system
folder. You can choose video materials from your photo album as well.
Create a Slide Show – Create a slide show project. You can retrieve media
materials from the device connected or ch oose media files from system
folder. You can choose slide show materials from your photo album as well.
If the box “Always show this wizard when VideoImpression starts.” at the
bottom of the wizard is checked, the wizard will app ear each time you run
the program. If you'd like to skip the wizard the nex t time, uncheck the box.
Select the item you desire and the picture and videos you need then you will
enter the editing interface as below.
You can use the six steps in the Function Menu to create video c lips and
slide shows.