- Q1: If I do not use batteries, can I use a n USB cord and Adaptor and still
take pictures with my VQ5020?
A1: No, when taking pictur es, it is important that you use batte ries. Also, you
have to remember to ch arge the batteries before op erating your camera.
Q2: I am not very familiar with VQ5 020 and usually my pictures
turn out blurred. Is there any way I can better focus my camera?
A2: Yes, please locate the Macro Switch on the camera lens. Switch it to the
Landscape ( ) setting unless taking close-up pictures in which case, you must
switch to the Macro ( ) setting.
Note: If the pointer is found anywhere in between these two symbols, it will
adversely affect the focus. Also, en suring there is enough lightin g and that
your hands are steady for one seco nd after you press the Shutter Button will
help with the focus.
Q3: I have noticed that t he pictures I have taken are all very dark. How can I
make these pictures li ghter? Should I use the flash often?
A3: Avoid taking pictures in place s with little lighting. When it is cloud y, please use
other means to crea te more light before taking pictures . We recommend using
the flash function du ring nighttime. During the day, the flash may be too stro ng
and the picture may come out too bright, thus use it on ly during the night.