Format Memory Card Menu 
You can use the Format Memory Card menu to delete all of the content that is currently on your camera‟s
memory card.
Keep in mind that formatting the memory card will permanently delete all of the content on your
camera’s memory card.
This option will delete all of the content at one time. If you would like to delete individual images, use the delete menu in the camera‟s Playback mode.
1)Press the UP or DOWN direction control buttons to highlight the menu options. While scrolling down the selected option will be highlighted.
2)If you would like to proceed with the format, select “Yes” and press the OK button.
3)You will be asked to confirm your wish to format your memory card.
4)Select “No” to exit without formatting.
5)Select “Yes” and press the OK button to begin the format.
6)The memory card will be completely formatted
7)A message will appear confirming that your memory card has been formatted clean.