URL Command Document for IB8156
| module_number | <integer> | 0 | 6/7 | Record the total |
| module number that |
| already stored in the |
| system. |
| module_order | string[40] | <blank> | 6/6 | The execution order of |
| the enabled modules. |
| module_save2sd | <boolean> | 1 | 6/7 | Indicate if the module |
| should be saved to SD |
| card when user want |
| to upload it. |
| If the value is false, |
| save module to the |
| internal storage space |
| and it will occupy |
| storage size. |
| Group: |
| |
| (get/set) |
| enable | <boolean> | 0 | 6/6 | Indicate if the module |
| is enabled or not. |
| If yes, also add the |
| index of this module |
| to the module_order. |
| name | string[40] | <blank> | 6/6 | Module name |
| url | string[120] | <blank> | 6/6 | Define the URL string |
| after the IP address if |
| the module provides it |
| own web page. |
| vender | string[40] | <blank> | 6/6 | The provider of the |
| module. |
| vendorurl | string[120] | <blank> | 6/6 | URL of the vendor. |
| version | string[40] | <blank> | 6/6 | Version of the module. |
| license | string[40] | <blank> | 6/6 | Indicate the license |
| status of the module. |
| path | string[40] | <blank> | 6/6 | Record the storage |
| path of the module. |
| initscr | string[40] | <blank> | 6/6 | The script that will |
| handle operation |
| User's Manual - 177 |
| |