Opening accounts for new users
Protect Network Camera by passwords
Network Camera is shipped without any password by default. That means everyone can access Network Camera including the configuration as long as the IP address is known. It is necessary to assign a password if Network Camera is intended to be accessed by others. Type a new word twice in 1 to enable protection. This password is used to identify the administrator. Then add an account with user name and password for your friends in 2 . Network Camera can provide twenty accounts for your valuable customers or friends. Each account identifies the access right rather than the real visitor. That allows multiple visitors share the same account of different level. An option to access DI/DO is provided for each account. Some users may need to prohibit from controlling your attached devices. Another option allows different control to pan/tilt functions of the Network Camera. You may delete some users from 3 .
More flexible options for viewers 4
The first option allows anyone uses “demo” as the user name to view without password. The Administrator can also decide if more viewers are allowed to watch the video if the viewers exceed the limit. The overloaded viewers will have snapshot mode instead.
Building a multimedia web attraction site
Demo on multiple sites – mid-scale service
The Network Camera can allow ten visitors to view
Product demo for e-business – Large-scale Service
If the number of visitors has exceeded the limit, the Network Camera can allow the "overload" viewers to see the snapshots in JPEG mode, on the homepage. These are
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