Name of the Mp3/JPEG that is currently playing.
Indicates that an Indicates that a
Mp3 file isJPG-format
currently playing picture is the current file

Media File Operations

MP3 Disc Playback

Load an MP3 disc.

The disc will automatically load and display the MP3 window. It may take up to 20 seconds for an MP3 disc to be read depending on the complexity of the file structure. Use the arrow keys on the remote to navigate through the window. Press the ENTER button to make selections.

USB File Playback


Insert a USB thumb-drive into the USB connection on the front of the disc player. Make sure there is no disc in the disc tray. The menu will appear upon connection or press PLAY to access the menu. Select the corresponding icon in the lower right corner to view MP3, Photo (JPEG) or Video (MPEG, AVI) to view the list of each file type. Scroll through each list with the ARROW buttons and press the PLAY button to make a selection.

Music Icon - Display and playback your MP3 audio files

-Use the ARROW buttons to select a track and press enter to begin playback. -Use the disc control buttons to control playback.

Photo Icon - Display and review your JPG images.

-Use the right ARROW to select a file, or press play on any file to begin slideshow. Smaller thumbnail preview images will appear in the left pane.

-Use the PREV/NEXT buttons on the front panel or the remote to skip from one image to another.

-Use the ARROW buttons on the remote to rotate the image and the ZOOM button to zoom in and out. -Press STOP to return to the menu.

Video Icon - Display and playback your AVI, MPEG. -Use the disc control buttons to control playback. -Press STOP to return to the menu.

Name of the current folder that is being used.

File Area: Displays the Mp3 or JPEG files that are in the current directory.

Displays the current file type.

Directory: displays all of the folder/disc names

Repeat modes.

Indicates that an MPEG file is currently playing.

There are 3 available repeat modes for files. Access these by pressing the REPEAT button on the PA-MAN’s remote control.

REPEAT 1: Repeats the same song.

REPEAT DIR: Repeats the entire directory (folder) once it has played through.

REPEAT ALL: Repeats the whole disc once it has played through.


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VocoPro PA-MAN owner manual Media File Operations, MP3 Disc Playback, USB File Playback