Loading Program Data into Two Amps
Although you cannot store program data from
a Valvetronix amp connected to the VC-12’s
VOX BUS SUB connector, the same program
data is output by this connector during the
loading process, which means you can easily
load program data into two Valvetronix amps
simultaneously—one connected to the VC-
12’s VOX BUS MAIN connector, the other to
its VOX BUS SUB connector.
1. Turn off both Valvetronix amps and
make sure one is connected to the VC-
12’s VOX BUS MAIN connector, the
other, to its VOX BUS SUB connector.
2. On the Valvetronix amp connected to
the VOX BUS MAIN connector, while
holding down the DELAY [TAP] button
and the REVERB [TYPE] button, turn on
the amp.
The VC-12’s BANK shows .
3. On the Valvetronix amp connected to
the VOX BUS SUB connector, while
holding down the DELAY [TAP] button
and the REVERB [TYPE] button, turn on
the amp.
The VC-12’s BANK display should still
show .
4. Press the VC-12’s BANK DOWN switch.
The VC-12’s BANK display shows .
5. Use switches 1 through 4 to select the
memory (1, 2, 3, or 4) containing the
program data that you want to load.
The switch’s LED flashes.
If you want to cancel the procedure at this
point, press the switch again, or press the
VC-12’s RECALL switch.
6. To load the selected memory’s program
data, press the VC-12’s CHANNEL–FX
ON/OFF switch.
The program data is sent to both
Valvetronix amps.
When the data loading process is com-
plete, “4.” appears on the BANK displays of
both Valvetronix amps.
7. Turn off both Valvetronix amps, and
then turn them back on again.
That completes the procedure for loading
data into two amps.
Deleting VC-12 Program Data
The program data stored in each VC-12
memory can be deleted as follows. This
procedure does not delete the program data
in your Valvetronix amp.
Warning: You cannot recover deleted pro-
gram data.
1. Turn off your Valvetronix amp and make
sure it’s connected to the VC-12’s VOX
BUS MAIN connector.
Note: Don’t connect anything to the VC-12’s
VOX BUS SUB connector.
2. On your Valvetronix amp, while holding
down the DELAY [TAP] button and the
REVERB [TYPE] button, turn on your
The VC-12’s BANK display shows .
3. Press the VC-12’s BANK UP switch.
The VC-12’s BANK display shows .
Switch LEDs (1–4) that contain no pro-
gram data are off, while those that do
contain program data are on.
4. Hold down the VC-12 switch (1, 2, 3, or
4) for the memory whose program data
you want to delete for at least five
The switch’s LED flashes quickly.
If you want to cancel the procedure at this
point, press the switch again, or press the
VC-12’s RECALL switch.
5. To delete the selected memory’s pro-
gram data, press the VC-12’s CHANNEL-
FX ON/OFF switch.
The data is deleted and the corresponding
switch LED (1–4) goes off.
6. Turn off your Valvetronix amp, and then
turn it back on again.
That completes the procedure for deleting
program data.