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Problem Suggestion
The system does
not receive caller ID,
or the system does
not display caller ID
during call waiting.
Make sure you subscribe to caller ID with call waiting features provided by the local telephone
The caller may not be calling from an area which s upports caller ID.
Both you and the caller’s telephone compan ies must use equipment w hich are co mpatible
with caller ID service.
If you subscribe to high-speed Internet service (Digital Subscriber Line - DSL) through your
telephone lines, you must insta ll a DSL lter between the telephone base and the tel ephone
wall jack. The lter will prevent nois e and ca ller ID pro blems caused by DSL interference.
Please contact your DSL service provi der for more information about DSL lter s.
Caller ID entries do not
match the numbers I
need to dial.
Although the call log entries you r eceive have 10 digits, (the area code plus the seven-dig it
number,) in some areas, you may need to dial only seven digits, or a 1 pl us the seven digits,
or a 1 plus the area code plus the seven digits. You can change the number of d igits that you
dial or store from the call log.
While reviewing the call log, press # repeatedly to disp lay these dialing options f or local and
long distance numbers before dialin g or saving the telephone number.
The answering system
does not answer after
the number of rings to
which I programmed it.
Make sure the answering system is on. When the answering system is on, the red light on the
ANS ON/OFF key should be lit.
If toll saver is activated, the number of ri ngs changes to t wo when there are n ew messages
waiting (see page 34).
If the memory is full or if the answering system i s off, the system will answer after ten rings.
In some cases, the answering system will be affected by the ringing sys tem used by the local
telephone company.