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If you have difculty with your telephone, please try the suggestions below. For Customer Service, visit our website at www.vtechphones.com, or call 1 (800) 595-9511; in Canada, call 1 (800) 267-7377.Problem Suggestion
My telephone does not
work at all.
Make su re t he ba ttery is install ed a nd c harged corre ctly (page 3). For o ptimum daily
performance, return the handset to the te lephone base or charger after use.
Make sure the power adapter is securely plugged i nto an outlet not controlled by a wall switch.
Make sure the telephone line cord is plugged rmly into the telephone base and the telephone
wall jack.
Unplug t he elec trical power to the teleph one bas e. Wait for approximatel y 15 seconds,
then plug it back in. Allow up to one minute for the cordl ess handset and tele phone base to
Charge the battery in the handset for up to 16 hour s.
Remove and re-insert the battery. If that still do es not work, it may be necessary to purcha se
a new battery.
Disconnect the telephone base from the telephone wall jack and plug in a workin g telephone.
If the other telephone does not work, the problem is probably in the wiring or the local service.
Call the local telephone company.
displayed on screen.
Place the handset in the telephone base or ch arger for recharging.
Remove and re-install the battery and use it normally until fully discharged, then rechar ge the
handset on the telephone base or charger for u p to 16 hours.
If the above measures do not correct the prob lem, the battery may need to be replace d.