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Problem Suggestion
There is i nterfer ence
duri ng a t ele pho ne
My calls fade out when
I am using the cordless
The handset may be out of range. Move it closer to the tel ephone base.
Do you have DSL service? If yes, you need to have a DSL lter installed at every telephone
wall jack that has a telephone connected to it (page 2). Contact your DSL service provid er for
lter information.
Appliances or other cordless telephones plu gged into the same circuit as the telephone base
can cause interference. Try moving the applian ce or telephone base to another outlet .
Other electronic products can cause interference to your cordless telephone. Try installing your
telephone as far away as possible from the following electronic devices: wireless routers, radios,
radio towers, pager towers, cellular telephones, digital telephones, intercoms, room monitor s,
televisions, VCRs, personal computers, k itchen appliances, and other cor dless telephones.
If your telepho ne is pl ugged in with a modem or a surge protector, plug the telephone (or
modem/surge protector) into a different lo cation. If this d oesn’t solve the problem, re-locate
your telephone or modem farther apar t from each other, or use a different surge protec tor.
The location of your telephone base can impact the perform ance of your cordless phone. For
better reception, install the telephone base in a centralized location within your home or ofce,
away from walls or other obstructions. In many environments, e levating the telephone base
will improve overall performance.
Disconnect the telephone base fr om the telephone wall jack and plug i n a corded telephone.
If calls are still not clear, the problem is pr obably in the wirin g or local servi ce. Contact your
local service company (charges may ap ply).
If the other telephones in your home are having the same problem, the problem is in the wiring
or local service. Contact the lo cal telephone company (charges may appl y).