The KH Series transmitter internally utilizes |
| Power On | |
the HT640 encoder from Holtek. The |
| ||
| ||
encoder begins a |
| |
cycle when the Transmission Enable line |
| Standby Mode | |
(TE) is pulled high. This cycle will repeat |
| ||
| ||
itself for as long as the TE line is held high. |
| |
Once TE falls low, the encoder output | No | Transmission | |
completes its final cycle and then stops as | |||
| Enabled? | ||
The module does not have an internal voltage regulator; therefore it requires a clean,
Vcc TO
Vcc IN
+ 10μF
shown in the Encoder / Decoder Timing |
diagram. When a transmission enable signal |
| Yes |
| |
is applied, the encoder scans and transmits |
| 3 Data Words |
the status of the 10 bits of the address code |
| Transmitted |
and the 8 bits of the data serially in the order |
A0 to A9, D0 to D7. |
The status of each address / data pin can be | No | Transmission |
| Still Enabled? | |
individually preset to logic high, low, or |
| |
| Yes | |
floating. The floating state on the data input |
| |
| |
is interpreted as logic low by the decoders |
| 3 Data Words |
since the decoder output only has two |
| Transmitted |
states. The address pins are usually set to |
| Continuously |
| |
transmit particular security codes by DIP |
switches or PCB wiring, while the data is selected using push buttons or electronic
switches. The floating state allows the KH transmitter to be used without
Encoder |
Transmit |
Enable | < 1 Word |
Encoder |
Data Out |
| Transmitted Continuously | 3 Words | |
| 3 Words | |||
| 214 Clocks | |
| 2 Words | 214 Clocks |
| |
Decoder VT |
| |
| |
| Check | Check |
Decoder |
Data Out |
| 1/2 Clock Time | 1/2 Clock Time |
Figure 9: Encoder / Decoder Timing Diagram
The module provides ten
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A 10Ω resistor in series with the supply followed by a | Figure 10: Supply Filter |
10µF tantalum capacitor from VCC to ground will help in cases where the quality of supply power is poor. These values may need to be adjusted depending on the noise present on the supply line.
When the Transmit Enable (TE) line goes high, the states of the eight data input lines are recorded and encoded for transmission. The data lines are
The encoder will send the states of the address and data lines three times. If the TE line is still high, it will begin the cycle again. This means that the states of the data lines are refreshed with each cycle, so the data lines can be changed without having to pull TE low. There can be up to a 150mS lag in response as the transmitter finishes one cycle then refreshes and starts over.
The module’s Transmit Enable (TE) line controls transmission status. When taken high, the module initiates transmission, which continues until the line is pulled low or power to the module is removed. In some cases this line will be wired permanently to VCC and transmission controlled by switching VCC to the module. This is particularly useful in applications where the module powers up and sends a transmission only when a button is pressed on the remote.
The LADJ line allows the transmitter’s output power to be easily adjusted for range control, lower power consumption, or to meet legal requirements. This is done by placing a resistor between GND and LADJ. When LADJ is connected directly to GND, the output power will be at its maximum. Placing a resistor will lower the output power by up to 7dB, as shown on Page 3 of this data guide.
This is very useful during FCC testing to compensate for antenna gain or other
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