Using the Grip Pen
W O R K I N G W I T H T H E G R I P P E N ( U P - 9 1 1 E )
As you work with Cintiq, you can rest your hand lightly on the display screen, just as if it were a drawing board or sheet of paper. Hold the Grip Pen as you would a pencil. Make sure the side switch is in a convenient location where you can press it with your thumb or forefinger, but won’t accidentally press it while drawing.
(side switch)
Tip switch
Note: The Grip Pen should never be stored in a container where it will rest on its tip or eraser. When the pen is not in use, place your pen in the pen stand or lay it flat on your desk.
Pen Tip
The pen is activated as soon as it enters proximity, about 5 mm (0.2 in), above the Interactive Pen Display screen. This allows you to position the screen cursor or use the DuoSwitch without touching the pen tip to the display screen.
When pressure is applied to the pen tip, the tip switch is turned on and the pen simulates a mouse button click. The tip click pressure can be adjusted in the Wacom Tablet Control Panel. Please refer to the online Help for details.
To use the eraser, hold the Grip Pen upside down. When the eraser is within proximity of the active area, the tablet reports the pen coordinates and the pressure applied to the eraser.
The eraser can be used as an eraser or assigned to another function, depending on the application. The tablet distinguishes the tip switch from the eraser switch. Refer to the online Help for the pen settings.
The DuoSwitch is programmable, and can be used to perform the same click and
Note: If you do not care to use the side switch, you can remove if by following the directions in DuoSwitch Removal and Installation, on page 40.