Check Package Contents
You should have received the parts listed at right.
While we give much attention to our product, an
occasional error may occur. If a part is missing, do
not go back to the store. Call the Weber-Stephen
Products Customer Service Center toll-free at
1-800-446-1071 to receive immediate assistance.
Three legs
Center ring
Charcoal chamber
Water pan
Door assembly
Four grill straps
No-handled cooking grate
Charcoal grate
Handled cooking grate
Hardware Pack Contents:
14 - 14-20 x 58" screws
14 - 14-20 nuts
8 - Fiber washers
6 - 14" steel washers
Assemble Legs
You will need: bowl, three legs, six screws, six steel washers, six nuts, an adjustable wrench and
a screwdriver.
Set bowl on the ground. Place leg against bowl and insert one screw into each end of leg. Slip
a steel washer over each screw, add a nut and hand tighten.
Repeat this for the other two legs.
With the three legs in position, tighten
assembly using an adjustable wrench
and screwdriver.