800032-01 Rev. F 46 www.wegner.com
UNMUTE [source][source][source][...]
source:Same as the MUTE command.
Identical to MUTE except specified services are unmuted.
Displays the boot-up Welcome banner and the versions of hardware and software components within the
IRD. Should include the unit serial number, model number, and customer ID. A Local Control Command
(available from the terminal regardless of "Local Control Enable/Disable" commands from the network).
VBI enable line field
enable:E for Enable or D for Disable.
line:Line # where VBI data is normally to be re-inserted. Values below 7 or above 22 are
field:Field # where VBI data is normally to be re-inserted. Values are 1 or 2 for upper and
Command enables or disables VBI data re-insertion on the line and field indicated for those IRDs that
support that function.
Table 3.3: Command Directory for U4600 Terminal Commands