Curtalnt, slipcovers
lDraperies, slipcovers
lSheers, some synthetic curtains
lBonded or laminated fabrics
Dlapers, baby clothes
Elastic Items
Flberglass materials
Flame- retardant flnlshes
lCorduroy, velveteen
Qullted, down- filled Items
Snowsuits, jackets
Remove drapery weights and hooks before laundering.
1.Use Delicate+Low or Fluff
2.Leave room in dryer for load to fluff.
3.Remove from dryer while slightly damp. Do not overdry.
For slipcovers, replace slipcovers while still slightly damp. They will dry to fit tightly.
Dry only a few minutes.
Do not overdry or tumble in high heat. Overdrying loosens the adhesive and causes fabrics to separate.
Wash and dry small items in a mesh bag or pillowcase for convenient handling.
1.Dry according to fabric and cycle settings listed on page 11.
2.Remove diapers and cotton knit items while still slightly damp. They will feel softer, shrink less and be easier to fold.
Dry using Delicate+Low and Automatic Less Dry. Remove from dryer while still slightly damp.
Do not machine wash or dry fiberglass materials. Small particles can stick to fabrics washed or dried in following loads and cause skin irritation.
Some items have been treated with a
Dry separately or with similar colors to avoid lint transfer. Follow care label directions.
1.Dry according to fabric and cycle settings shown on page 11.
2.Remove from dryer while there is still a trace of moisture.
3.Smooth, reshape and air dry before putting away.
Follow care label instructions.
1.Dry one at a time.
2.Remove from dryer and shake or fluff the item during the drying cycle.
3.Smooth and reshape before putting away.
Check label for fiber content, then see page 11 or 12 for cycle/tempera- ture recommendations.
Follow care label directions.
1.Dry garment for about 10 minutes. Remove and turn inside out. Dry for 10 more minutes.
2.Remove from dryer immediately and hang on a