Freezing Vegetables - Freeze only fresh high- quality vegetables picked when barely mature For best results, freeze no more than 2 to 3 hours after prckrng Wash in cold water, sort and c.J intc appropriate srzes Blanch or scald Pock in recomb mended contarner and freeze
Do not freeze lettuce, celery, carrot strcks. pota- toes or fresh tomatoes All WI/I become IImp or mushy Tomatoes WI// collapse when thawed
Freezing Meats
Make sure store wrapprngs are morsture and va por proof If not,
Freezing Cooked Food - Prepare cooked foods as you would for the table, shorten cooking trmel0 to15 minutes toallow for additronal cooking durrng reheating Omit seasonrngs and part of the Irqurd. Plan to add them at reheating time. Pota- toes should also be added to soup and stew at heating trme. Add crumb and cheese toppings at heatrng trme.
Cool as raprdly as possible and freeze at once. Liquid or
ommended containers with
Freezing Baked Goods-Wrap baked breads
in recommended material Thaw In wrapping Un- baked yeast breads can be frozen after the first rrsing Punch down. wrap and freeze
Bake cookies as usual Cool and freeze on trays,
then pack In recommended freezer bags or car- tons Unbaked cookres may be dropped, molded or rolled and frozen on cookre trays. Store in bag or carton, bake without thawing
Fruit pres are best frozen unbaked. Bake without thawrng. Bake pecan and srmrlor pies before freezing .rrch fillrngs do not freeze solid Cut steam vents in top crusts when ready to bake