NOTE: Some toods are started using a timed (COOK) cycle and flnlshed by using the temperature (PROBETEMP) cycle. You can set PROBETEMPto tollow COOK 1 or 2 to avold the need to reset the oven halfway through the cycle. PROBETBMP can be programmed with the Tempemre Probe out. The oven will pause between COOK 1 or 2 and PROBETEMP.“PROB”will show on the Dlrplay to remind you to plug In
lhe probe.
Changlng fhe Temperafure Sefflng
When uslng the Tempemture Probe, PROBETEMPsetflngs can be changed any tlme before touching STARTor durlng oven operatlon.
Hlnfs for Using fhe Tempemre Probe
stir foods durlng cooking when recommended.
stir soups, casseroles and drinks before serving.
cover roasts with foll after cooking and let stand a few minutes. Remove foil if you decide to cook it longer.
remove the probe from the oven when not cooklng by temperature.
l l
let probe or probe cable touch any part of the oven lnterlor .
let probe touch foll (If used). Foll can be kept away from probe wlfh wooden toofhplcks. Remove toll If arcing occurs.
use paper, plasftc wrap or plasflc con- talners. They will be In fhe oven foo long and mlght distort.
force probe Into frozen food.
use probe for fcod that needs to simmer.
plug the polnted end of the Temperature Probe Into the socket.
Temperafure |
| Probe | Cooking | Tips |
| |||
For casseroles, | the tlp of | For liquids, | balance the | For roasts, the tip of the | ||||||
the probe | should | be in | probe | on a wooden | probe | should | be In the | |||
the center | of the food. | spoon | or spatula | so the | center | of the | largest | |||
Stlr foods | when | recom- | tip of the probe | is in the | muscle, but not touching | |||||
mended. | Replace | the | center | of the liquid. | fat or bone. |
| ||||
probe. |
l Casseroles cooked uslng the Temperature Probe should be made from precooked foods. Do not use raw meats, raw vegetables and cream sauces In casseroles.
lDry casseroles do not work well.
l Thaw frozen casseroles and meats in the microwave oven before inserting the probe.
l If you are simultaneously cooking indivldual servings, such as mugs of soup check the probe sefflng In several of the
lDry meat loaf mixtures don’t work well.
l Remember that roasts may vary in size, shape and composltlon. Use the Temperature Probe as a gulde, along with the timings for minutes per pound found In the Cooklng Guide.
Removlng and cleaning fhe Temperature Probe
1.After oven has shut off, unplug the Temperature Probe using an oven mltt or hot pad.
2.Wlpe probe wlth a hot, sudsy cloth and dry thoroughly, Use a plastic scouring pad to remove
3.Probe may be placed In the silverware basket of the dishwasher.