mounting hole

window channel

filler board

1 n Hold air conditioner to preventit from falhng.Raisewindow sash.Placeside- mountingslidesinto top mountingchannel. Extendmountingslidesoutwardinto window channels.Pull air conditioner slightlyforward until slides aretight againstwindow channels, Markhole locationsand usea 3132”drill bit to drill starterholesfor wood screws.Usewood screwsto attachslidesto window channels.Do Vattightenscrewsatthis time.Lowerwindow <ashbehind top mountingchannel.

2 w Check that air conditioner cabinet is tilted to the outside so that water will run to the outside.

Placelevelon top of right sideof air conditioner.Thereshouldbe a tilt to the outsideof approximatelyl/2 bubble.Place levelon left sideand check.If cabinetis not properlypositioned,repositionor shimthe cabinetto providetheproper tilt. Tightenfiller boardandside-mountingslide screws.



NOTE:Install window-lockbracketto prevent air conditionerfrom falling out of window.

3 w Insertwindow rail sealbehindtop of lowerwindow sashandagainstglassof upper window.Placewindow-lockbracketon topof lowerwindow and againsttheupperwindow sash.Usea 342” drill bit to drill a starterhole throughthehole in thebracket.Attachwindow- lock bracketwith wood screw.Sealsmall openingsaroundthewindowwith gum-type sealer.

4 n Placebottomedgeof front panelon clips andpushdown.Pushpanelinto cabinet until panelsnapsinto place.Plugpower supplycord into groundedelectricaloutlet.


You have successfully installed your new air conditioner. To get the most efficient usefrom your new air conditioner, read the Use and Care Guide section of this book.

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Image 19
Whirlpool TA07002F0 manual Mounting hole, Filler board