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mlsmachineoperatesonastandard230VoltACcircuit. Voltagesbelow220Voltsorabove250voltscouldcauseseriousdamageto moron. Wiringdragramismountedinsideofmachlne.


If an extenaloncordIsuaed. the wlre air0 muat be al IQBIt on e size larger than the power cord on the mechlna, and rnwt be Ilmlted to 50 feot (15.15m) In length. NOTE:

Hthe p o w supply cordof this appllame Is damaged, it must be replacedby a specialcord.

Improperconnectlon of the equipment-groundingconductor can result in a rlsk of electric shock. Check with

a qualified electrician or service person if you are in doubt as to whether the outlet Is properly grounded. Do not modifytheplugprovldedwlththeappliance-If ltwlll notflttheoutlet, haveaproperoutletlnstaiiedbyaquallfiedelectricicm.

1NSPECTION:Carefullyunpackyourmachineandinspect it loranyshippingdamage.Any damagewhichoccurreddudngshippingistheresponsibilityofthecanier,whomustben~tifled immediately.


Esta aSprradomfunciona en un clrculto combnte de 230 voltios CA. Los voltajks. .wr debalo de 220 wltlbso Dor e d m a de 250 voltloswdrian ocasionarserios datlosa 10smotoms. €1 dlagmna de cableadoesta montado den de la mdquina.


SIse utilize un cordbndo prolongaclbn,el tarnah del cable Uebeser por lo rnenos de untern& mba gnnde quo el dd cordbndo electrlcldad de la mAqulns y t i w e quo estar llmltado a 50 pies (15,18 metro.) de longltud. NOTA: SI el cord& do 8iectriCidoddo 88108rtsieeto se dM8, hay que tvemplsuarlo con un corddn mpscl.l.

La conexi6n indebida del conductor a tierra del equipo puede dar como resultado un riesgo dechoque el6ctrlco. Consultarcon unepersonade serviclo oelectriclstacalificadosi setlene dudas respectode sl latoma est4 puesta a tierra en forma apropiads. No modificarel enchufe qua viene con el artefact0 3/4 si no se ajusta a la toma do corriente, hacer qua un electriclstacallficado Instalela toms apropiads..

INSPECC16N: Desempacar cuidadosamentela aspiradora e inspeccionarlapara ver si hasufridodeflosenel transporte. Cualquier dailo que haya tenido lugar durante el traslado es responsablidaddela empresa de transportes.a la que hay que notificar en forma inmediata.


Cat aspirateurfonctionneswtensionaltemativade230voRs. Destenslonsinf6deuresA220 voltsou sup6rlaursA 260vollspeuMntserieusementendommagwlermoteun.Le&%ha du chblage 88 trwve B I'int&ieur do la machine.



cowMt decet 4ppareil srrt endomma&, fl doil8trem p l a c d par un cordonsp6cial.

Une connexlm non conforme du conductour do mire h I8 terre do I'appamll put provoqurr une d6 charge 6Iectrlque.Consulter un 6lecirlclen quallfl6 ou une pemonnedu rervlce aprh wnte rlvoua ruspcmz que la p r b de courant n'est pa8 correctemantmire h la tern. No per modltler la flche fournle avec

I'ap are11 - a1 elle ne rantre par danr la prise, falter Installer une prise apprroprlb par un 6Ioctrlclrn quaEfi6.

INSPECTIONMballer soigneusementI'aspirateur et I'inspecter pour tout dornmage duau transport. Tous dBg,ts qui onteu lieu pendantletransportcrontBlanwponsabilit6dut r a m portwr, qui doit &re mis au courant irnm6diaternrnent.


Di%serStsub8fiugerHlird rniteinnemStandard-230VoltAC-Stromkreis betrieben.Spannungenunter220Voltoderikber250Voltk(lnnenzuschwerenBesch&digungendw Motown firhmn. Ein Sohaltplaniat im lnnem des Qarbts angebrecht.


~~*nVeflbgerUngrlcclbelbenut2t,aomu8deasm Kabdgr68eg~eralSdmKabelgrMedesStrornkatusderMaschlnedn, DasVerl&nge~ngskabaldarfnlcMI8ngerab15,15rn wln. HIWEIS: Sol& d a Stmmkabd dbes Gen4ts beschddigtaefn, 80 mu8 8s dun% eln spezldles Kebel emta M e n .

Eln fehlerhatkr Mrbinden der Erdleltungdes G e r h kann StromrchlBgeverureachen. Kontaktkren Sle elnen qu8llflderten Elektrlker odor Kundendlenstpenonal, falls 810 nlcht genauwiimn, ob dle StockdorerlcMlg geerdel IdVeriindernSie nlcht den mlt d m Ge& mltgell.1rrt.n Stocker. PaBt der Stocker nlcht Indle Steckdow, 80 luwnSle von elnem quallfhlerlen Elektrlkerni.. passonde Steckdose Instatlleren.

INSPEKTIONDasGerBtvonicMlgauspckenuK1aufTransportschddenuntersuchen.FikrSchBden,die belrnVersandaufge(retenelnd.i~derSpedlteur~rantwomich,unddieserbt sofort ;EU benachrichtigen.


Ouestoaspimpolverefunzionacon un wrcuitoelenriw standardCA da 230 Volt Tensionlinterioria220 Volt o superioria 250 Voltpossonocausaregravidannia1rnotore 11 diagramma del co/iegamentlelettriclsl tmva dentro la macchina.


Se vlene uaato uncavo dl eatenalone. la dimmsione del fllodeve essere alrneno dl una misun rnaggloredeI cavo dl eltmentazlone della macchlnae non PIP lungo di 15.15 rnetri. NOTA: Se / I cavo dialfmentazionediquhsn mecchin8 4 danneggiato, sostftufrfocon un cavo

L'errato collegamento del filo di terra della macchina pub causare II rischio di scosse elettriche. Incaso di dubbi s u b correttezza della mersa a terra della prera di corrente, rivolgersi ad un elenriclsta qualificato o

ad un tecnlco delle rlparazlonl. Non modificarela spina coneegnatacon la macchina: r e la spina non entra nella presa, far installare da un elettricista quallflcatoune corretta presa dl corrente.

VERIRCA Con anendone,disimbellare I'aspirapolveread ispezlonarloper veriflcare I'assenze di danni causati dalla spedizione Idanni eventualmenlerisultanti sono response bilita dello spedlzionereilquale deve essere awertito tmrnediatamente..


Dette apparatet operereepl en standard230 Volt vekselstmmkrets.Spennlngunder220Volt eller over250 Volt kan fodsake alvoriigeskaderp4 motorer.KobllngssQema er montert p4 innsidenav rnasklnen.


Hvi8 en forlengeisbdning er brukt, miIedningens sWrreise bare minst6n sWrrefse s*rre enn stmmfedfngenpd maskfnen,og mi b e g m a s ti150 fot (15.15m) I fengde. NBI Hvls stmmledningenpd d.tt0 appaIotot orskadet, d den byltes utmed en speslalledning.

Hvis utstyret lkke jordes korrekt, ken det medferefare for elektrisk stet. KonWollermed en kvalifisert elektriker eller reparawr hvis- du or itvil med hensyn tll om stikkontaktencr riktlg iordet. lkke modifis6r stepslet som apparatet er utstyrt med hvis det lkke passer I uttaket, fa et riktig uttak innstallert av en kvalifisert elektriker.

INSPEKSJON: Pskk opp din smsuger foniktig og insplsbrden for fraktskader. Skader som har skledd under frakien, er senderenansvarlig for og mA bli underrenetumlddelbart.


TcE2o-/Fo(lldl 711197


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Windsor 230V, 240V operating instructions Specifications Electriques

230V, 240V specifications

Windsor 240V and 230V are popular electrical standards used predominantly in residential and commercial settings around the world. These voltage levels are crucial, especially in regions that follow the nominal voltage convention established by the International Electrotechnical Commission.

One of the standout features of Windsor's electrical systems is its versatility. The ability to operate efficiently on both 240V and 230V makes it suitable for a wide range of appliances and machinery, from household items like refrigerators and washing machines to industrial equipment. This adaptability is particularly beneficial in regions where voltage fluctuation may occur, allowing appliances to function reliably even in less-than-ideal conditions.

In terms of technology, Windsor systems largely utilize single-phase and three-phase power supply configurations. Single-phase systems are common in residential settings, providing sufficient power for most home appliances. On the other hand, three-phase systems are often utilized in industrial applications due to their ability to deliver a larger amount of power more efficiently. They minimize losses and improve the overall performance of heavy machinery.

One of the key characteristics of Windsor 240V and 230V systems is their safety features. These systems often come equipped with ground fault protection and circuit breakers, which provide additional layers of security against electrical faults. This is especially important in environments with heavy equipment where the risk of electric shock or short circuits may be elevated.

Energy efficiency is another area where Windsor excels. Many appliances designed to run on these voltages are engineered with energy-saving technologies, such as variable speed drives and inverter technologies. These innovations not only reduce energy consumption but also extend the life of the appliances, making them a sustainable choice for consumers.

Moreover, Windsor voltage systems are compliant with international standards, ensuring their reliability and safety. They are tested rigorously to meet the specifications set forth by electrical safety organizations, which is vital for maintaining high standards in both residential and industrial applications.

In conclusion, Windsor 240V and 230V systems stand out due to their versatility, safety, and energy efficiency. They support a wide range of applications, ensuring that both everyday consumers and industrial operators can rely on electricity without compromise.