| D('*0()$Jg\\[;i`ccGi\jj | |
*% Lower the upper jam nut against the depth nut. | Large Lock | |
| ||
+% Using wrenches, hold the depth nut in place and | Lever | |
Small Lock | ||
tighten the upper jam nut against the depth nut. | ||
| Lever | |
Efk\1 K_\jZXc\fek_\[\gk_jkfgZXeY\i\ZXc`YiXk$ |
| |
\[`]`k^\kjdfm\[fi_XjZ_Xe^\[j`eZ\k_\]XZkfip | Crank | |
j\kk`e^%I\]\ikf;\gk_Jkfg:Xc`YiXk`fefeGX^\ | Handle | |
| ||
| Lock | |
| Bolt | |
8[aljk`e^KXYc\ | Location | |
Pin Nut |
The table can be raised/lowered, rotated, and tilted 90º left or right. Table adjustment controls are shown in =`^li\)..
(% Loosen the large lock lever.
=`^li\).% Typical table adjustment
)% Adjust the height.
*% Lock the large lock lever.
(% Loosen the small lock lever.
)% Rotate the table as necessary.
*% Lock the table small lock lever.
(% Tighten the location pin nut to draw the location pin out of the hole.
Efk\1 K_\cfZXk`feg`e`j]i`Zk`fe]`k`ek_\_fc\ kfcfZbk_\kXYc\Xk'²%N_\ei\`ejkXcc`e^#j\kk_\ kXYc\kf'²#YXZbk_\elkf]]#Xe[kXgk_\g`eYXZb `ek_\_fc\%
)% Loosen the lock bolt and tilt the table to the desired angle (make sure table lock lever is locked, so the table won't fall out).
*% Tighten the lock nut bolt.