Operating Instructions
If you are not completely familiar with the Safety Instruction Manual read it now before proceeding with the operation of the mower.
Inspect Mower Before Each Use:
Inspection of Mower: Do not use the mower if any parts are not maintained in good operating condition. Examine the moving parts prior to each use. Look for excessive wear, bald drive tires or worn out front tires (normally smooth), cracks in parts, loose or missing bolts, cotter, linchpin or “hair” pins and replace before operat- ing the mower. Make sure all safety equipment provided with the mower is in good operating order, including all warning decals and the opera-
Basic Operation: The following procedures are to guide you through the basic operation of the mower. You should be a qualified mower opera- tor according to the safety section of this manual. If this is your first time, this should only be done with the assistance of your dealer on a level area. You should go through each step, in the order indicated, every time you start the mower.
How to start the mower:
Before starting the engine
•Make sure the control levers are in the exact neutral position
•Apply the parking brake if it is not already set.
•Turn OFF the blade engaging switch if it is on.
Starting the engine
Recoil start:
page 8
•Turn the ignition key to the “Run” position
•Check to see if the equipment has a separate choke knob or whether it is incorporated into the throttle control. Start the engine according to the engine manufacturer’s recommenda- tion, see engine manual, keeping in mind that various models use different choke controls.
•Immediately step onto the foot platform after the
engine is running smoothly. Electric Start:
•Start the engine according to the engine manu- facturer’s recommendation, see engine manual. You will need to start the engine by turning the key on the mower’s instrument panel. Do not engage the starter for more than 10 seconds at a time. This may over- heat the starter and the wiring systems. Wait 10 seconds between attempts. If the engine
does not start within ten tries or stalls fre- quently take the mower in for service.
After starting the engine according to the engine manufacturer’s recommendation, let the engine run for several minutes to get the hydraulic fluid circulating through the pumps, etc. and to allow the engine to warm up. Do not
Be Aware Of Unusual Noises or Ir- regular Operation
As you drive the mower listen for any unusual noises and test for irregular operation and adjust or service as necessary.
How To Drive The Mower:
While standing on the foot platform, increase the engine speed about a fourth of the way from idle. Release the parking brake. Now try moving the hand control levers, one at a time, very slightly, forward and backward. Check to see if the wheels move forward and backward according to position of the levers. (If not, service the hand control system.) If the wheels stop when the hand controls are in the neutral position the parking