Designing Your Installation
Before doing anything else, you need to determine how you are going to use your PROwatt 1000, and on the basis of that, design a power system that will give you maximum performance. The more thorough your planning, the better your power needs will be met. In particular, you need to:
•Calculate your battery requirements
•Choose an effective charging system
Calculating Battery Requirements
Battery type and battery size strongly affect the performance of the PROwatt 1000. Therefore, you need to identify the type of loads your inverter will be powering and how much you will be using them between charges. Once you know how much power you will be using, you can determine how much battery capacity you need. Xantrex recommends that you purchase as much battery capacity as possible.
Consult Appendix B “Battery Types and Sizes” for a detailed explanation of how to determine the appropriate number and size of batteries for your needs.
The PROwatt 1000 must only be connected to a battery that has a nominal output of 12 volts. It will not operate if connected to a 6 volt battery and will be damaged if connected to a 24 volt battery.
Choosing a Charging System
The charging system must be appropriate for your particular installation. A
Consult Appendix C “Alternators and Charging Systems” for information about designing an effective charging system.