Xerox 701P47301 Defining a Logical Printer, Verifying the Installation, I5/OS System i Setup

Models: 701P47301

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Installation and Setup

i5/OS® (System i) Setup

You must set several parameters for resident outline font support. If you do not set these parameters properly, jobs submitted from i5/OS® (System i) expecting resident outline fonts may fail or print blank pages. If your host is a System i running i5/OS® and you require resident outline font support, the recommended setup is:

On the i5/OS® host, set the Resident Font parameter in the PSF Configuration object to *YES.

In the IPS Manager, ensure Enhanced Font Support is set to Enabled.

In the IPS Manager, load the AFP fonts using the Manage Fonts Dialog.

Defining a Logical Printer

Before using Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server IPDS to process IPDS data streams, the host must have a printer defined for Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server IPDS with the following requirements:

For TCP/IP connectivity, the Internet Protocol (IP) address and port number of the printer must match the IP address and port number of the printer. Valid values are 5001 through 65535.

For channel connectivity, the unit address specified for the host printer definition must be a unique value and must match the unit address specified on the IPS Manager.

For z/OS® (MVS), the printer must be defined as an AFP-type device.

TCP/IP and channel connectivity can be established in the IPS Manager System pull-down menu, System Configuration dialog box.

Verifying the Installation

The following steps should be completed for a successful installation of the Xerox FreeFlow® Print Server IPDS software, and proper queue and printer setup:

Install the IPS Manager software. The Xerox Service Representative performs this task.

Ensure that the IPDS Interpreter license file has been loaded, and that IPDS is active and enabled in the print server Feature Manager.

Ensure a streaming print queue is defined on the print server for your system. You can view this queue by using the print

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IPDS User Guide

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Xerox 701P47301 manual Defining a Logical Printer, Verifying the Installation, I5/OS System i Setup