Group B Functions — List● Footnotes
*1 Depending on the selected message or the particular device that is
connected to the CBX-K2, there may be no response. Refer to the
owner’s manual of the device for details.
*2 The Time Signature Top value is selected in the following order: 4, 5,
6, ... 15, 16, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. (“4” is used as the starting point, since
that is the most commonly used Top value.) The order for the Time
Signature Bottom values is 4, 8, 16, 4, etc.
*3 The range for the Measure function depends on the currently set Time
Signature. When set to 4/4, the range is 1 – 999; when set to 8/4 or
16/8, the range is 1 – 512. The absolute maximum is 999.
*4 • The channel number can only be entered as a hexadecimal value (1
– F, 0).
• Using system exclusive messages to turn Merge on or off can only
be done for all channels (as in the corresponding Group A
*5 When Fixed Velocity (in Group A) is set to a value other than 0, the
Touch Sensitivity function is inactive. The following table shows the
velocity range for the minimum, medium, and maximum Touch
Sensitivity settings.
Key Panel Name Function name Operation (press and hold [SHIFT] ) Operation Examples
C1 SEQUENCER SONG SELECT Song Select C + ç → œ →
(song number) → L
C#1 TIME SIGNATURE TOP Time Signature Top C + ç → {¡}...(press repeatedly)
D1 TIME SIGNATURE BOTTOM Time Signature Bottom C + ç → {®}...(press repeatedly)
D#1 MEASURE Measure Number C + ç → † →
(measure number) → L
E1 - VOICE MAP Voice Map C + ç → ¥ →
(Map number) → L
F1 - POLY/MONO Poly/Mono C + ç → ø
F#1 RESET RESET CONTROL Reset All Controllers C + ç → å
G1 SOUND OFF ALL CH All Sound Off (all channels) C + ç → ß
G#1 TG300B TG300B Reset C + ç → ™ → L
A1 SYSTEM CHANNEL MERGE Merge On /Off C + ç → ƒ →
(each channel) (channel number)
A#1 DEVICE NUMBER Device Number C + ç → © →
(device number) → L
B1 TOUCH SENSITIVITY Touch Sensitivity C + ç → ˙ →
(value) → L
C2 - RPN Controller Direct Data Send C + ç → A → (MSB) → (LSB) → L →
(RPN) {(control value) → L}
C#2 - CONTROLLER Controller Direct data Send C + ç → S → (controller number) →
(controller number) L → {(controller value) → L}
D2 - NRPN Controller Direct Data Send C + ç → D → (MSB) → (LSB) →
(NRPN) L → {(controller value) → L}
D#2 WHEEL ASSIGN DATA DENSITY Data Density (Wheel) C + ç → £ →
(density value) → L
E2 - MSB 1ST/LSB 1ST MSB/LSB invert C + ç → ˚
F2 - FOOT SW ASSIGN Footswitch Assign C + ç → {¬}
... (press repeatedly)
F#2- - - - -
G2 - - - - -
G#2 - PB DENSITY Data Density C + ç → § →
(Pitch Bend Wheel) (density value) → L
A2 SLIDER ASSIGN DATA DENSITY Data Density (Slider) C + ç → £ →
(density value) → L
F#3 - SELECT B Single-byte Data Send C + ç → {(single-byte data) → L}