*8 The effective range is from 0 - 255; values outside of this range will
be ignored.
*9 The operation steps in braces ({}) can be repeated or re-entered as
long as C is held.
*10Be careful not to press the connected footswitch while using this
function; the operation cannot be executed while the footswitch is
assigned to “SFt” and pressed.
Group B Functions — ListRange (Hexadecimal Default
in parentheses) setting MIDI Code Notes
0-127(00-7F) 0 <<F3 ss>> *1
1-16 4 - *2
4, 8, 16 4 - *2
1-999(1-3E7) 1 <<F2 lsb msb>> *1, *3
depending on specified
Time Signature)
0-127(00-7F) 0 <<F0 43 1s 49 00 00 12 vv>>
PoL, non PoL <<Bn 7E 00>>, <<Bn 7F 00>>
- - <<Bn 79 00>>
- - <<B0 78 00, B1 78 00,…, BF 78 00>>
- - <<F0 41 10 42 12 40 00 7F 00 41 F7>>
on, oFF on -*4
1-16(1-10) 1 -
1-10(1-A) 10 - *5
MSB:000-127(00-7F) - <<Bn 64 lsb, Bn 65 msb, Bn 06 vv>>
LSB:000-127(00-7F) Refer to the Controller list on page 30.
Control value:0-127
Control number:0-156 - <<Bn gg vv>>etc.. *6
(0-9C) Refer to the Controller list on page 30.
Control value:0-127
MSB:000-127(00-7F) - <<Bn 62 lsb, Bn 63 msb, Bn 06 vv>>
LSB:000-127(00-7F) Refer to the Controller list on page 30.
Control value:0-127
1-10(1-A) 10 -
MSB precedes
SUS, Cnt, StA, SFt SUS - *10
1-10(1-A) 10 -
1-10(1-A) 10 -
0-255(0-FF) - <<xx>> xx=single-byte data *8
Song Select command for sequencer/rhythm machine.
This determines the top (numerator) value of the time signature for sequencer/rhythm
machine, at the specified song position (see Measure Number below). When song position is
received this data will be used.
This determines the bottom (denominator) value of the time signature for sequencer/rhythm
machine, at the specified song position (see Measure Number below). When song position is
received this data will be used.
This determines the measure number (song position) for sequencer/rhythm machine. This is
used together with the Time Signature functions above, and should be entered before
specifying the Time Signature.
This determines the Voice Map setting when used with the Yamaha MU100R Tone Generator.
(For details, see the MU100R Owner’s Manual.)
Sets the connected tone generator to Poly or Mono mode.
This resets all MIDI controller values on the connected device to their reset values (minimum
or center).
This turns all sounds off over all MIDI channels. To turn all sounds off for a single specific
MIDI channel, use the All Sound Off function in Group A.
This performs a TG300B reset on a connected tone generator.
This merges all data received over the specified MIDI channel with the data generated by the
CBX-K2. This function can be set independently for each channel. (For details about MIDI
Merge, refer to page 34.)
This determines the Device Number when independently transmitting certain messages (such
as XG On) to one of several connected MIDI devices.
This determines the relative velocity sensitivity of the CBX-K2 keyboard. The lower the Touch
Sensitivity value, the higher the output velocity becomes. In other words, when this is set to a
value near 1, even soft playing strength results in a loud sound from the connected tone
generator. (1: easy - 10: hard)
This allows you to directly send a specific value for a selected RPN controller number, without
altering the current controller assignment of the Assignable Wheel or Slider.
This allows you to directly send a specific value for a selected Control Change controller
number, without altering the current controller assignment of the Assignable Wheel or Slider.
This allows you to directly send a specific value for a selected NRPN controller number,
without altering the current controller assignment of the Assignable Wheel or Slider.
This determines the density of the data sent by the Assignable Wheel when it is set to a
continuous controller (such as modulation or volume). Set this to a value at or near 1, when
you wish to limit the amount of data sent (for example, when sequencer memory limits the
amount of data that can be recorded). (1: thin - 10: thick or full)
This inverts the MSB/LSB value entry (so that LSB precedes MSB). You can also set this to
LSB 1ST by simultaneously holding down N and turning on the power.
This determines the function for the connected footswitch. Available functions are: Sustain
(SUS), Continue/Stop for sequencer (Cnt), Start/Stop for sequencer (StA), SHIFT button
operation (SFt).
This determines the density of the data sent by the Pitch Bend Wheel.
This determines the density of the data sent by the Assignable Slider when it is set to a
continuous controller (such as modulation or volume). Set this to a value at or near 1, when
you wish to limit the amount of data sent(for example, when sequencer memory limits the
amount of data that can be recorded). It can also be used to create special “step” effects for
certain controller numbers. (1: thin - 10: thick or full)
This sends a data message of a single byte.
Touch Sensitivity Value 1 (1) 5 (5) 10 (A)
Velocity Range 32-127 16-127 1-127
(20-7F) (10-7F) (01-7F)
*6 The following controller numbers cannot be used: 153 (Key Pressure),
157 (Velocity), or 158 (Tempo).
*7 When the MSB/LSB entry order is changed, the LED display appears
as follows to indicate the data order: