Internal Design of the CP5 & CP50
Left & Right Parts
[PWR-AMP] (CP5 only)
[RIGHT2] (CP5)
Song Setting Area
[MIC INPUT] (CP5 only)
Settings for All Parts
Settings for All Performances
44 CP5/CP50 Reference Manual
Utility AreaThis section describes the utility parameters that affect the entire CP5 or CP50 system. Settings for
these parameters are made via the Utility screen, which contains thirteen pages.
Edit Sequence Press the [UTILITY] button Navigate to the required page using the [ PAGE] and
[PAGE ] buttons Turn or press Knobs 1 to 3
Page On-screen name
(and full name) Description
(Master Tuning)
This parameter is used to adjust the tuning of all sounds produced by the stage
piano's built-in Tone Generator in units of one cent.
NOTE The CP5 or CP50 default tuning is 440 Hz for A3, and 4 cents are roughly
equivalent to 1 Hz.
Setting values: -102.4 to +102.3 (cents)
2VelC rv
(Velocity Curve)
This parameter is used to select a curve for determining how the actual velocities will
be generated and transmitted according to the strength with which you play notes on
the keyboard.
Setting values: norm (Normal), soft, hard, wide, or fixed
The Normal curve produces velocities in direct proportion to the strength
of your keyboard playing.
soft The Soft curve makes it easier to produce high velocities across the
entire keyboard.
hard The Hard curve makes it more difficult to produce high velocities across
the entire keyboard.
wide The Wide curve accentuates your playing strength by producing lower
velocities in response to softer playing and louder velocities in response
to harder playing. As such, you can use this setting to expand the
dynamic range of your performances.
fixed The Fixed curve can be used to send a fixed velocity to the Tone Gener-
ator regardless of how hard or soft you play the keyboard. When
selected, you can adjust FixdLvl using Knob 2 to set the actual velocity
to be sent between 1 and 127.
FixdLvl (Fixed
This parameter is available only when VelCrv has been set to “fixed”. Regardless of
the actual strength of playing, velocities at this level will be sent for all keys played.
Setting values: 1 to 127
TunCrv (Tuning
This parameter is used to select one of two tuning characteristics for the entire key-
Setting values: flat or stretch
flat With the Flat curve, the frequency (in Hertz) doubles for each octave
increment between keys across the entire keyboard.
stretch The Stretch curve models the characteristic response of an acoustic
piano. When compared with the Flat curve, lower keys are tuned slightly
flatter; higher keys, slightly sharper.
NOTE Not all piano voices are affected by the “stretch” setting. For more details, refer to
the PIANO and E.PIANO voice lists (page 12).
3SusPedal (Sustain
This parameter is used to indicate the type of foot controller plugged into the SUS-
TAIN foot-switch jack on the rear panel.
Setting values: FC3(HalfOn), FC3(HalfOff), or FC4/5
FC3(HalfOn) Choose this setting when using the bundled FC3 foot controller for half-
damper playing.
FC3(HalfOff) Choose this setting when using the bundled FC3 foot controller but not
the half-damper playing technique.
FC4/5 Choose this setting when using an optional FC4 or FC5 foot controller.