1.DX27 Voice Memory

The DX27 has three different voice memories which serve different purposes. They are:

The 24-voice INTERNAL memory

This voice memory is used for quick selection of voices for performance, and it is in this memory that original voices you have edited or programmed are initially stored. Cassette LOAD and STORE operations are also carried out to and from the 24-voice INTERNAL memory. Voices from the 192-voice PRESET memory may also be stored in the INTERNAL memory.

The 96-voice BANK memory (4 BANKS x 24 voices each)

The BANK memory incorporates four 24-voice BANKS-A, B, C and D. The BANK is most useful for storing groups of voices you have arranged for specific purposes. The different banks may be programmed with different voice groups you need for different “sets” in a performance, you can categorize your voices into BANKS (i.e. piano-type voices in one bank, brass in another, etc.), any combination you like. The BANK can be loaded with voices from the PRESET memory (described below) or from the INTERNAL memory using the EDIT BANK function.

The 192-voice PRESET memory

This is a read-only memory which contains 192 FM voices. These are organized into two groups of 96 voices each. The first group is accessible in the NORMAL