Music Disk Recorde
5Recalling Recorded
Registrations (and Bulk Data)
The registrations (and bulk data) recorded to song numbers in the
above operation can be loaded back to the Electone by simply
selecting the appropriate song number and pressing the PLAY
button. When the operation has been completed, the M.D.R. returns
to STOP status.
1Insert the disk and select the song number you want to load back
to the Eelectone.
2Press the PLAY button.
Using More Than 8 Registrations
The M.D.R. makes it possible to use more than 8 registrations (8
Registration Memory locations) in a performance, — without having
to alter the current panel settings. A disk can accommodate 40 song
numbers and each song number can contain 8 registrations.
To play a performance using more than 16 different
1. First record the registrations you need into several song numbers
on the M.D.R. before the performance. (You should also try to
record them in the order that you’ll use them, if possible.)
2. During the performance, after all 8 registrations from a certain
song number have been used, select the next song number and
press the PLAY button on the M.D.R. This replaces all 8
registrations in Registration Memory with the new ones from the
selected song number.
3. By repeating the above steps, you can run through an entire
performance without having to change the panel settings.
Selecting the Next Song in the User Registration
Shift settings makes it possible to have the M.D.R.
automatically read the 8 registrations in the next
song number. See page 70 for more information.
6Replacing Registrations
The M.D.R. also lets you change the registrations of an existing song
without changing the performance data. The procedure is the same
as that of Recording Registrations mentioned in the previous page.