4.3 Universal Non Real Time Message
4.3.1 General MIDI Mode On
11110000 F0 = Exclusive status
01111110 7E = Universal non-real time
01111111 7F = ID of target device
00001001 09 = Sub-ID #1=General MIDI Message
00000001 01 = Sub-ID #2=General MIDI On
11110111 F7 = End of exclusive
11110000 F0 = Exclusive status
01111110 7E = Universal non-real time
0xxxnnnn XN = Device Number, xxx = Not used
00001001 09 = Sub-ID #1=General MIDI message
00000001 01 = Sub-ID #2=General MIDI on
11110111 F7 = End of exclusive
Following reception of the above parameters, all MU5 parameters will be initialized
(excepting Master Tuning). However, when Mute Lock of the System parameters is
set to on, Receive Note Message of the Multi Part parameters is not initialized. Since
one of these messages takes about 50 msec to process, allow a sufficient amount of
time before transmitting the next message.