F5 Soundboard Depth
F4.3: Right Voice Octave Shift......................................................................................................
F4.4: Left Voice Octave Shift..........................................................................................................
Depending on which voices you combine using the split mode, the combination may sound better
if one of the voices is shifted up or down an octave. Use the [–/NO▼] and [+/YES▲] buttons to set
the octave of the Left or Right Voice as required. The available settings are “0” for normal pitch, “–
1” to shift the pitch down one octave, and “1” to shift the pitch up one octave. Press the [–/NO▼] and
[+/YES▲] buttons simultaneously to recall the default setting (different for each voice combina-
Set according to the pitch extent for the song you want to play.
F4.5: Right Voice Effect Depth......................................................................................................
F4.6: Left Voice Effect Depth..........................................................................................................
These functions make it possible to individually set the depth of the effect for the Left and Right
split-mode Voices. Use the [–/NO▼] and [+/YES▲] buttons to set the effect depth for the corre-
sponding voice as required. The depth range is from 0 through 20. A setting of “0” produces no effect,
while a setting of “20” produces maximum effect depth. Press the [–/NO▼] and [+/YES▲] buttons
simultaneously to recall the default setting (different for each voice combination).
•The effect depth settings cannot be changed unless the EFFECT is ON. The Function mode must be
exited before EFFECT can be turned ON.
F4.7: Damper Range................................................................................................................................
The Damper Range function determines whether the damper pedal affects the Right Voice, the
Left Voice, or both the Left and Right Voices in the split mode. Use the [–/NO▼] and [+/YES▲]
buttons to select “2” for the Left Voice, “1” for the Right Voice, or “ALL” for both voices. Press the
[–/NO▼] and [+/YES▲] buttons simultaneously to recall the default setting “ALL”.
F4.8: Reset .........................................................................................................................................................
This function resets all split-mode functions to their default values. Press the [+/YES▲] button to
reset the values. “End” will appear on the display when all functions have been reset.
The Function Mode
Certain piano voices (GRAND PIANO, CLASSICAL PIANO, and JAZZ PIANO) feature a spe-
cial effect which recreates the ring of the strings and the soundboard resonance of an actual acoustic
piano when the sustain pedal is pressed. This function lets you adjust the depth of this effect. After
selecting “F5” use the [–/NO▼] and [+/YES▲] buttons to set the effect depth as required. The
effect depth range is from 0 through 20. A setting of “0” produces no effect, while a setting of “20”
produces maximum effect depth. Press the [–/NO▼] and [+/YES▲] buttons simultaneously to recall
the default setting “12”.