Disk Operations
The PSR-350 features a convenient oppy disk drive built right into the instrument. Let you
record and play back your own original User Songs, it allows you to save and load important
PSR-350 data.
Moreover, since the PSR-350 is compatible with a wide variety of disk formats,
you can play back song data on commercially available GM (General MIDI),
DOC (Disk Orchestra Collection), and Clavinova Disklavier Piano Soft disks.
It also allows you to save and play back Standard MIDI File (SMF) format 0 data.
The PSR-350 can also be used with the included disk or commercially available
Style File data, allowing you to load additional styles (auto accompaniment pat-
terns) to the instrument. Style File data is loaded individually as style number
107, and can be played just like the preset styles. Once loaded, the Style File data
can then be saved in combination with User songs.

Data that Can be Saved or Loaded with the PSR-350

Using Commercially Available Music Data (sold separately)

The PSR-350 is compatible with music disks (floppy disks) that bear the follow-
ing marks:
You can playback song files collected on these disks using the
voices defined in the GM standard. (See page 71)
“GM System Level 1” is an addition to the MIDI standard which
ensures that any GM-compatible music data can be accurately
played by any GM-compatible tone generator, regardless of man-
ufacturer. The GM mark is affixed to all software and hardware
products that support GM System Level 1. The PSR-350 supports
GM System Level 1.
You can playback song files collected on these disks using the
voices defined in Yamaha’s DOC format. (See page 71)
The DOC voice allocation format provides data playback compat-
ibility with a wide range of Yamaha instruments and MIDI
devices, including the Clavinova series.
You can load and play with the style files collected on these disks.
(See page 75)
The Style File Format — SFF — is Yamaha’s original style file
format which uses a unique conversion system to provide high-
quality automatic accompaniment based on a wide range of chord
types. The PSR-350 uses the SFF data internally, reading from
optional SFF style disks.
• While any of the disk-related dis-
plays are shown (called up by
pressing the LOAD, SAVE, or
UTILITY buttons), no panel oper-
ations can be executed (except
for disk operations), and playing
the keyboard does not produce
any sound.
Data type Extension Save Load
User Songs .350 O O
Style File .STY - O
• User Songs and Disk Style data
(style number 107) are saved
and loaded as a single file on the
To ensure proper data storage,
use only disks that have been for
matted on the PSR-350 (page
• The three letters following the file
name (after the period) are
referred to as a file “extension.”
The extension indicates the type
of file.