4.Press BEAT a third time, to return the RX21 to the real time write mode.
You are now ready to program your pattern. Tap the red START button, and you’ll hear the “click track” rhythm accents. If, by mistake, you have selected a preset, there will be no click track. Instead, the LCD will show “PRESET PTN AREA!”, then revert to the “SELECT PTNpp" display, and you should select another pattern and repeat the real time write setting procedure.
If you have selected pattern 00, the LCD will switch to “PTN 00 RECORDING", and you’ll see the cursor moving from left to right once every measure. Regardless of the length of the pattern, the click will be heard at the start of each group of four sixteenth notes. In other words, on every quarter note beat. Also, the first beat of each bar will be accented. The RX21 will continue cycling through the full length of the pattern while you record. You can now set your tempo, as previously de- scribed, and start playing.
In the real time record mode, everything you play will be entered into the pattern, and you’ll hear it replayed every time the pattern is repeated. There’s no need to try and input all the instruments at once: you can input one instrument at a time, and gradually build up a pattern. Enter accented beats by tapping the ACCENT button (see “Accents” in the section entitled THE INSTRUMENTS). Here’s an example of how a basic 4/4 time pattern is built up:
PLAY BASS DRUM (4 beats to a bar)
THEN PLAY SNARE DRUM (on the ‘off beats’)
Made a mistake, or want to change a part? It’s
Once you’ve completed your pattern, simply press STOP/CONTINUE, and recording will cease. The LCD will revert to the “SELECT PTNpp" display.
You can modify the pattern at any time (add new instruments or accents, clear some parts, etc.) simply by selecting the pattern, entering the real time write mode, pressing the START button and writing/clearing as usual. The length of a pro-