You tried to write a song when the song memory was full (for example, all 512 available parts had been used in three songs, and you tried to write a fourth).
Clear songs to make space for new songs, or save the entire RX21 memory onto cassette, then clear all songs.
You tried to enter a repeat where there is one already entered.
If you wish to change the number of repeats entered in the existing End Repeat sign, delete the End Repeat sign (see the DELETING REPEATS section) and enter a new End Repeat sign containing the required number of repeats.
| Cause: | The data on the tape has not been correctly recorded, and does not |
| ||
VERIFY ERROR! | match the data in the RX21 memory. | |
| Solution: | Try saving the data again. Check that all connections are secure, all |
| cables are functioning properly, and use another cassette tape if ne- |
| cessary. Increase the record level on the cassette recorder, if needed. |
Cause: | There has been an error in loading data from cassette, due to bad- |
| |
| lightning, etc.) |
Solution: | Try loading again. Check that all connections are secure, and all cables |
| are functioning properly. Increase the playback level on the cassette |
| recorder, if necessary. |
| Cause: | When sending data from one RX21 to another, the Checksum at the |
| ||
| MIDI DATA ERROR! | end of the data transmission indicates that the data transmission is | |
| incomplete. This can be due to bad connections, overlong MIDI cables, |
| or power fluctuations (due to lightning, etc.) |
| Solution: | Check all cables. Make sure MIDI connectors are clean and dry, and |
| the MIDI cables are not too long (10 meters or less). Move the RX21 |
| away from any other electrical equipment which could cause inter- |
| ference (TV, radio, etc.). Finally, if MIDI transmission still fails, save |
| pattern/song memory onto cassette and load into memory of second |
| RX21. |